I’ve left San Bernardino and moved to Loma Linda. The move took three and a half hours, thanks to a few good friends who knew what they were doing and who were willing to lend their skills. THANK YOU!!

The San Bernardino living room.

The Loma Linda living room.

The Loma Linda house was built in the late 60s/early 70s by an employee of Loma Linda University Medical Center. Although it’s older (and, arguably, not as nice as the San Bernardino house) the Loma Linda house has little bits of character that a house built in 2001 wouldn’t have. The kitchen appliances are yellow, the wood is golden brown, and some of the original details still remain including a sign tacked to a beam in the basement proclaiming that the house was last fumigated in 1970.

Although the stove has electric burners and new control knobs, these controls still sit in front of the range, above the tall drawers made especially for pots and pans.

One of the bookshelves in my bedroom (which used to be the office) has nail holes with corresponding labels which list several addresses on an adjoining street. I assume keys used to hang there. I didn’t take a photo of it, but there is a peach tree in the front yard. I had two peaches sliced over my waffle this moring instead of the usual cold cereal. I didn’t want to buy milk because I am leaving for a week to move my sister from Walla Walla to Humboldt State University, a.k.a. Moving, Part 2 …