It rains a lot …
… but the residents are still happy.
Natalie and I started Wednesday morning in Pioneer Square by the Pioneer Courthouse and Nordstrom.
The rain gods were satisfied for a few moments while we were at the rose garden.
Pittock Mansion. According to the sign, “this estate was the home of Oregon Trail pioneers Henry and Georgiana Pittock. Best known as the owner of The Oregonian, Henry remained at the paper’s helm from 1860 until his death in 1919. His wide-ranging investments made him very wealthy. A vigorous man, he began planning this mansion in 1909, at the age of 73. It was completed in 1914, and three generations of Pittocks occupied the home until 1958. After members of the Pittock family moved out, the mansion fell into disrepair. It was saved from demolition when citizens of Portland raised the $225,000 purchase price.”
Cirque du Soleil’s Kooza just opened in Portland. It is awesome, and the cheap tickets are still great seats. You should go.
OMSI! (The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.)
This submarine, the USS Blueback, floats in OMSI’s backyard.
Before we were allowed on the sub, we had to learn how to get through doors this size.
The Energizer Bunny. To show where the submarine’s batteries are.
The Waffle Window.
The tram! It goes from the river up to a hospital on the hill.
The view from the tram.
Voodoo Doughnuts.
The line for Voodoo Doughnuts.
The voodoo doughnuts. We have the “Captain My Captain,” the vanilla coconut, the “Orangutang,” the “Old Dirty Bastard,” and the voodoo doll donught complete with pretzel pin.
This wall is across the street from Voodoo Doughnuts.
The Saturday market.
The signs say “Need $ 4 bananas. Thanks. God bless,” and “Need $ – escaping to Madagascar. Thanks. God bless.”
We stayed at the highest-rated place in the Northwest.
BBQ in the rain.
Nene with Mac and Cheese.
A final word from OMSI