After we had dinner at Gardi’s house we drove to our hotel in Temuco. In the morning we headed out for Valdivia.

The hallway outside our room.

The breakfast room. I’m guessing they use it for other things.

This little buddy was mewing outside the breakfast room.

One of the staff members came out with some food for him. She explained that this kitten was hungry. “He has hunger. He has much hunger.”

Our hotel, the Tierra del Sur. Nice design, inside and out.

Getting close to Valdivia.

Aire. You need that in your tires. Our van understood that in three out of four cases.

Don’t get a flat tire on a Sunday. Lucky for us, this guy was willing to be pulled from his television to fix our tire. We found someone who knew someone who knew he was the owner of the car shop in town and also knew where he lived. 

Pin prick. So small, yet so powerful. This was to be our first flat of the trip.

Waiting for the tire to be fixed and reading Shantaram.