My mother’s parents moved from Nebraska to Chillan when she was one year old. They moved back to Nebraska when she was 13. They worked at the Adventist university just outside of town, and apparently made quite an impression. In addition to teaching at the school and helping start up the dairy, my grandparents are remembered for being wonderful people. When school administrators found out my mom was coming back, they made an announcement in chapel. When we arrived, they had someone waiting to give us a tour of the campus. Everyone had a story of how good my grandparents were.

The church in downtown Chillan.

The farmer’s market.

The church at the Adventist university.

The theology building.

The cafeteria.

The old water tower. Apparently my grandpa was under this during one of the earthquakes.

Faculty housing. My mother and her family lived here.


They have a DX equivalent!

The gymnasium.

The school supports itself with the dairy, which my grandpa helped start. Now they have a reputation for high-quality milk, the best in the region.

Baby cow season!

Nothing is quite as nice as finding a home away from home. Mrs. Fopiano’s house was just that. She was a friend of the family when my mother lived here.

The late Mr. Fopiano’s tools. He drew outlines of each tool on the wall.

Taking a walk through the Fopiano backyard was like eating lunch. The garden wanted for nothing.