Easter Island, day two. And day 11 of the 21-day trip. Living out of a suitcase and always being on the move was starting to take its toll. But it was a good day. We stumbled across some caves. These caves go down into the ground like wells, then take you horizontally out to the edge of the island so you are standing in a hole in the cliffs, looking out at the water. In a move that will forever go down in history as the thing that amazed me most about Steven, when we surprised ourselves by finding these caves, he opened his small backpack and pulled out four headlamps. As the trip went on, I learned that this is not uncommon for Steven to have a few things on his person, all of them being things that no one else has, but that someone will need at some point during the day.
After the caves, we hit the beach. You walk through a grove of palm trees, past a herd of horses, to the golden sand. And we finished off the day by walking to the beach behind our lodging facilities and watching the sun set.

I’m in a cave!

Lips! (A tribute to our Puerto Rico holiday.)

Easter Island cat.

Gone fishin’