My last half-day on Terceira. I mentioned in my last post that I got lost frequently but that it created some great photo opportunities. So I’m not sure where this lovely lane of trees is, but here is a photo of it!
 Ermida Da Falca chapel, which is next to …
 Lake of the Ducks!
 The ducks waddle out to greet you when you get out of the car.

 The ducks also follow you over to the lake.
From the duck lake I drove north to Biscoitos, known for its natural swimming pools. This is the path from the parking lot to the rocks.
The water is glacier-blue.
The drive from Biscoitos to the east side of the island is filled with patchwork farm fields overlooking the ocean.
Farmers frequently transport their cows on the road. The cows know the drill. They walk down their driveway onto the street and then hug one side of the road until they reach their destination. I saw a mother cow block her calf from going into the street until all the cars had passed.

The Serra Do Cume view is one of the reasons to visit Terceira. The wind is insane! I was glad the sun was (sort of) out.

The quacking of ducks as they walk visitors to the lake, the glacier-blue water at Biscoitos, and the fast-moving clouds at Serra Do Cume (which is probably why the weather changes so frequently).